Apr 11, 2014

Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou & Betti Betti (get it)

Here is another collaboration from Poly-Rythmo with Cameroon's music and its ambassador, the woman singer and songwriter Betti Betti. I have no information on Betti Betti, only music which was recorded in Benin.

Thanx to OROGOD for sharing this album!!!

1 comment:

  1. She appeared on chorus here http://www.discogs.com/Pierre-Claver-Zeng-Pierre-Claver-Zeng/release/3205680
    Here's a homage to her by djene djento http://www.discogs.com/Djene-Djento-Pomp%C3%A9/release/3534620

    If you like Afro funk, the Cameroonians have recorded plenty.
